Recycle With Us

As an industry leader, Cyclic Materials is setting a new standard in rare earth magnet recycling.

Our Mag-Cycle™ and REEPure™ processes recover rare earth elements and critical metals, ensuring that today's waste is tomorrow's resource.

What are Rare Earth Magnets?

Rare earth magnets are a type of permanent magnet made from alloys of rare earth elements (REEs), which are part of a set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table. These magnets are known for their exceptional magnetic properties, including their ability to maintain a strong magnetic field and their high resistance to demagnetization compared to other types of magnets.

Essential components in modern technology, rare earth magnets enable the miniaturization of many devices and significantly improve their performance and efficiency. Their strong magnetic fields and durability make them invaluable in a wide variety of cleantech, industrial, technological, and consumer applications. Here's an overview of some of their applications in key sectors:


EV Drive Motors: Rare earth magnets, particularly neodymium magnets, are essential in the traction electric motors of electric vehicles (EVs). Their strong magnetic fields help in delivering high performance and efficiency, crucial for extending the driving range and reducing battery load.

Hybrid Transmissions: In hybrid vehicles, rare earth magnets play a vital role in the transmission systems, allowing for seamless switching between electric and internal combustion power. Their efficiency contributes to fuel savings and reduced emissions.

Wind Energy

Wind Turbine Generators: The powerful magnetic fields generated by rare earth magnets are utilized in wind turbines to convert kinetic wind energy into electrical energy efficiently. Their use enables the production of more electricity at lower wind speeds compared to other types of magnets, enhancing the viability of wind as a renewable energy source.

Information Technology

Hard Disk Drives (HDDs): In the realm of data storage, rare earth magnets are used in the actuators of hard disk drives, where their ability to maintain a strong magnetic field is key to reading and writing data accurately and efficiently.

Medical Sector

MRI Machines: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Machines rely on the strong and stable magnetic fields produced by rare earth magnets to create detailed images of the body's internal structures. This non-invasive imaging technology is crucial for diagnosing and monitoring a wide range of medical conditions.

Why We Recycle

Rare earth magnet recycling not only champions environmental sustainability but also strategically diminishes society's reliance on limited natural resources, shields us from the unpredictability of global supply chains, and drives economic growth and technological innovation.

1. Environmental Sustainability

The mining and processing of rare earth elements can have significant environmental impacts, including deforestation, soil and water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and the generation of hazardous waste. By recycling rare earth magnets we can mitigate these environmental impacts, contributing to a more sustainable use of resources.

2. Conservation of Scarce Resources

Rare earth elements are finite, and their distribution is geographically limited, with mining concentrated in a few countries. Recycling rare earth magnets helps conserve these critical materials, reducing the need for continuous mining and helping to ensure a sustainable supply for future technological advancements.

3. Energy Efficiency

Producing rare earth magnets and metals from recycled materials consumes less energy than extracting and processing raw minerals. This reduction in energy consumption translates to lower CO₂ emissions and contributes to the fight against climate change.

4. Economic Benefits

Recycling is more cost effective than new production due to the high costs and complexities involved in mining rare earth elements. It provides an alternative, cheaper source of these materials, which reduces costs for manufacturers.

5. Supply Chain Reliability

The supply chain for rare earth elements is vulnerable to disruptions due to political instability, trade disputes, and regulatory changes in countries that control major reserves. Recycling provides an alternative source of these materials within domestic markets, reducing dependence on imports and improving supply chain stability and security.

6. Innovation and Technological Advancement

Recycling processes can stimulate technological innovation, leading to the development of other efficient and effective recycling technologies throughout supply chains. This not only improves the sustainability of magnet and metals production but also supports the development of a circular economy, where materials are reused and recycled continuously.

Employing our innovative Mag-Cycle™ and REEPure™ processes, we are not just recycling - we're transforming waste into valuable resources.

The heart of our mission is to contribute to a greener planet and a more sustainable future. We’re setting a new standard in rare earth magnet recycling, where innovation meets responsibility, and every recycled magnet is a step towards environmental stewardship.

Join us in changing the lifecycle of Rare Earth Elements.